Chinese characters
Chinese characters
Chinese characters; there are a lot chinese characters (for about 7000). Hans Kisling (from Bolsward, Friesland in Holland) choose 675 characters and studied and analysed them for almost 34 years and he wrote a book about it and at the website you can read everything about this. It is very interesting to read about his study results and also his motivation to study Chinese.
Popular Chinese characters
The meaning of Chinese characters are very different and sometimes very surprising. Very special are the twins, triplets and quadruplets Chinese characters. These chinese characters are made up by putting two, three or four identical characters together. They all have their original meaning. The ten most popular characters are: Fu: Blessing, Lu: Prosperity, Shou: Longevity, Xi: Happiness, Cai: Wealth, He: Harmonious, Ai: Love, Mei: Beautiful, Ji: Lucky, De: Virtue.
Difficult to learn
Chinese characters constitute the oldest used system of writing in the world and especially in China, Japan, Vietnam etc. It takes a long time for a foreigner to learn to write and pronounce this characters. The best way of learning it is to stay for a while in a country where Chinese is the native language. Lots of students choose this option and it seems to work very well. Most of them choose for a new life in China, Japan or another country in which Chinese is spoken. Asia is very important in the world economy.
Chinese charcters pronouncation
Characters are used to represent native words. The pronouncation of the characters is therefore not always the same. There is a big variety in characters and their pronouncation.For foreign people it is very difficult to learn the characters by heart but when Chinese people have to learn another language it is also difficult for them. First take a look at the website for more inspiration.

Chinese characters