Chinese symbols meanings
Chinese symbols meanings
Hans Kisling from Bolsward (Friesland Holland) had written a book about Chinese symbols meanings, Chinese characters, Chinese words etc. after a study of 34 years of the Chinese language he thought it was time to share his knowledge and experience with other people who are interested in the Chinese language. Chinese symbols meanings are very interesting to study because lots of Chinese symbols have different meanings. At the website you can read all about it.
Chinese symbols meanings tattoos
A lot of people are attracted to Chinese symbols meanings to use for a tattoo. Very popular are the next themes: strenght, peace, love, life, happiness, love for child or another familymember. Of course you can think of more themes to use for a tattoo. The most important aspect is that you know the meaning of the Chinese symbols which is tattoed on your body. When you choose for a Chinese symbol the meanings and combinations are endless. At the website from Hans Kissing you can read everything about the history and developpement of Chinese symbols and their meanings.
Theories about Chinese symbols meanings
Chinese people are used to use Chinese symbols meanings in everyday life. In every region in China or other country where Chinese is spoken there are a lot of theories about the Chinese symbols meanings. The people are used to it to live this way and they find it very important to use this in their everyday life. Most of the people are very religious. It is a part of their life and this will be important from the day they were born until the day they die.
Read all about it!
It is very interesting to study the Chinese symbols meanings because it has to do with mythology, history or cultural associations. You can read all this at the website

Chinese symbols meanings