Traditional Chinese characters
Traditional Chinese characters
Traditional Chinese characters are very interesting to study. The characters all have special meanings. Look at for more information and read the studyresults of Hans Kisling (from Bolsward, Friesland in Holland). He has studied Chinese for about 34 years. He studied the traditional Chinese characters, the history, the symbols etc.
Changes in the traditional Chinese characters
In the 1950s, the government of China changed the written forms of many traditional Chinese characters. Their goal was to make learning the language easier for everyone; their own population and foreign people who are interested in learning Chinese. Simplified traditional Chinese characters may or may not be less pleasant to look at; however, the project from the government to make it more simple did succeed in making a more literate society. This historical fact means we now have access to a lot of Chinese characters to deal with.
Modern Chinese characters
The eldery traditional people were not always pleased with the new rules from the Chinese government. They are very attached to the traditional Chinese characters which they learn their children and grand children. Nowadays the Chinese children learn more understandable modern Chinese characters. They are used to it and do not know everything about the traditional Chinese characters. Interesting to know is that not every character has been simplified. Therefore, learning simplified characters along the traditional Chinese characters is not too difficult. Hans Kisling therefore wrote his book “China Y Chinese characters for everybody” to make the Chinese language and his history more accessible and attractive to learn more about it.
Online traditional Chinese characters
At the website Hans Kisling tells us what you can expect by reading his book and he tells comprehensively about his study Chinese of almost 34 years. You can read all about the origin of his motives to study Chinese.

Traditional Chinese characters